Typological research of language ideologies
Typological research of Language Ideologies in the Baltic, Balkans and Nordic Regions
VUK VUKOTIČLKI Sociolingvistikos skyriaus doktorantasvuk.vukotic@sociolingvistika.ltLanguage has been a subject to ideologization for a long period of time, and many factors such as local history, internal politics, foreign policies, language standardization, culture etc. have shaped these ideologies. Being a growingly important issue in today´s world, language is often discussed in the public sphere: With internet (the virtual sphere), we see users much more engaged in discussions about language today than ever before. Depending on the country and region, these discussions vary in theme and tone, and we see very different ideologies and attitudes expressed. The online environment is, thus, as a good area for conducting a wider typological research on language ideologies. Studies so far have shown how certain factors such as schools, law, economic regulations produce and disseminate language ideologies, and recent wider studies attempt to show, from a materialistic point of view, how ideas about linguistic practices are produced and circulated.
In different linguistic environments, areas and states different ideas about language are circulated by these institutions, the large number of countries included in this project is so that these ideologies could be compared and a typology of language ideologies presented as a final result. Some of the main issues that differentiate language ideologies by area are, for example, that some linguistically-oriented, some society-oriented (it can be connected to debates from “true/pure” national language or standard, to colonialism, or on another level, questions such as which linguistic features should be are accented and, thus, ideologized etc.). It is therefore interesting to see which features of language are idealized, what external concepts are they connected with, and how does that reflect upon the general culture in a given environment.
Aims and goals
The project will aim to develop and typologically-based analysis model for researching language ideologies, based on online discussions and the users’ attitudes towards standard language, language planning, language instruction and corrective practices, official language policies, role of language and official language ideology.
Goal of the project is to analyse and compare language ideologies one three levels: grassroots ideologies, then those of experts linguists and non-linguists, as well as language ideologies in the state system of laws and policies, all in three European regions: the Baltics (in this case Lithuania and Latvia), the Balkans (in this case limited to Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia) and Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden, to a certain extent also Island and Faroe Islands).
Finally, using these results, the final goal will be to produce a typology of language ideologies in the given lands and regions. These three politically, economically and historically different regions were chosen for comparative purposes – so that the analysis would produce more ideologies, as many different attitudes as possible, that could be categorized and compared. The project results will be beneficial to researchers who wish to study language attitudes and sociology of language since it aims to create a new methodological tool for analysing the way language users shape their attitudes towards the standard language, language planning and language policies.
The methods for researching them will include a detailed qualitative analysis of official documents on language planning and standard, of experts’ (linguists’) and non-linguist expets’ (writers, journalists, actors…) texts and interviews on the subject in the media, and of metalinguistic user-created content online, in order to find the different notions of good language, detect possible explanations for them (historical, juridical, grammatical, etc.).
nuostatos etnografija ideologijos kolokvializacijamoksleiviai TVnorminimas tartis jaunimo kalba kalbininkai taisymai tapatybėžurnalistai kalbos politika vilniečiai radijassociolingvistinė kompetencija kirčiavimas įžymybės eksperimentai keiksmažodžiai tekstynasVilniaus kalbakalbos kaitadaugiakalbystė viešoji erdvė raštingumas sociolingvistinis interviumokykla bendrinė kalba leksikažiniasklaidatarmės sovietaikalbos ideologija neformalusis stilius anglų kalba stereotipai rusų kalba